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Background (2:50)
Catwoman, Selina Kyle, created by Bill Finger & Bob Kane in
Batman #1 (Spring 1940)
Originally known as “the Cat”, she was a jewel thief who
disguised herself as an old woman, until she was captured by Batman
- she would go on to be a recurring nemesis for several years until
the Comics Code prevented her from being written as evil
Resurfaced as a major player in 1987 - Batman: Year One
revamped her origin as a prostitute, working with a young girl
Holly Robinson - they encounter Batman one night and after Holly
stabs him, Selina fights him but gets knocked out - they decide to
start burgling the rich, and Selina gets rescued by Bruce after
robbing Carmine Falcone
1989 solo series expands upon this - she was a dominatrix whose
sister Maggie was a nun - her pimp Stan attacks Maggie to get to
her, and Selina kills him in revenge
Starts operating as an anti-heroine, while still robbing the
wealthy - begins an on-off relationship with Batman, and they learn
each other’s identities
Is reformed for a period - later revealed due to a mindwipe
from Zatanna
Became a mother during Infinite Crisis - Slam Bradley Jr. is
the father, and she leaves the Catwoman identity for a while while
Holly takes over - later gives the child, Helena, up for adoption
and returns to being Catwoman
Takes on a sidekick for a short while - Catgirl is the daughter
of Carmine Falcone
New 52 - her origin story resembles Batman Returns, and she
joins the Justice League for a time
Rebirth - Catwoman is blamed for the death of 237 children
after an orphanage explodes - Batman believes she’s innocent, and
helps clear her of the charges - he then proposes to Selina - they
battle Talia al Ghul
Selina leaves Bruce on their wedding day, as she believes
making Bruce happy would “kill” Batman, and Gotham needs Batman
more than she needs Bruce
Issues (11:31)
Why does Selina have such a hard time reforming? Does she even
want to reform?
Why does she steal? (20:38) - thrill of the chase
Has a habit of taking in orphans (26:13) - takes one to see one
to know one
Only tried to reform because Zatanna brainwashed her (27:41) -
her consent was violated; similar to ECT in real people
Saving the world doesn't necessarily mean you go home happy. How's the mental health of your favorite superhero? A comic aficionado and a board-certified psychiatrist look at the various neuroses of your favorite heroes and villains and provide options for treatment.