Jan 30, 2019
Hot on the heels of the Aquaman movie, Anthony & Doc cover his archnemesis Black Manta! What sort of issues does an autistic black kid raised by pirates have? The kind that lead to Monty Python references - listen now!
Shoutout to Sharp: The Podcast (3:37)
Background (5:31)
Black Manta...
Jan 29, 2019
As the clickbait title says, smoking is bad for you.
Thank you, I hope you have appreciated this helpful medical hint. Subscribe to Capes On the Couch today!
Oh, I need to say more? Well then, allow me to expound on what the heck to do once you've started smoking tobacco. J Jonah Jameson probably would not...
Jan 23, 2019
WE'RE BACK! Anthony & Doc return with their first episode of 2019! At Patron Matt's request, we cover J. Jonah Jameson! Learn why he's so obsessed with Spider-Man, and how bad this is for his health! Listen now!
Introduction/Welcome back
Shoutout to The Story Behind – (04:35)
Jan 2, 2019
Hello all! Hope you had a stellar holiday and an amazing New Year party! (I'll try to keep it down for those of you still nursing hangovers...)
2018 was an amazing year for Doc and I personally and professionally for many reasons, but the most pertinent one here is starting this podcast! Doc and I had spoken for a few...