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Capes On the Couch - Where Comics Get Counseling

Sorry Miles, You Can't Be All Three

Jan 30, 2020

“I’m not saying Spiderman can’t be black or Hispanic, or whatever...BUT”

There’s always a “but” with some opinions.

“You don’t turn your back on something you’ve built for decades and throw it away”

So...differences equate to trash. Got it.

The nature of our podcast means that Anthony and I are at...

Jan 29, 2020

It's a hair-raising episode, as Anthony & Doc look at Medusa, Queen of the Inhumans! Heavy is the head that wears the crown, especially when it's covered in prehensile hair! How does she want to break away from her husband, Black Bolt? All this, plus a special guest voice - Anna from Freudian Sips as Medusa! Listen...

Jan 22, 2020

It's our Season 4 Premiere! We swing into the Ultimate Marvel Universe to look at MILES MORALES! It's no pressure being the next Spider-Man, right? Plus we announce changes to our Patreon, and Doc talks WCW (it makes sense in context). Listen now!