Mar 25, 2020
We tidy ourselves up for a look at Batman's butler ALFRED PENNYWORTH! Why does he keep working for a loner like Bruce? And how would he actually be like a Real Housewife? Listen now to find out!
Review read – Rey - “Well worth listening for the entertainment value of comic book superheroes, but...
Mar 18, 2020
Anthony & Doc tackle a world without Y chromosomes when they examine Yorick Brown from Y: The Last Man! Yorick's got so many problems we actually examine FOUR! And how is Doc like the 1990s Chicago Bulls? Listen now to find out!
Shoutout to Ignorance Was Bliss – Kate interviews a guest every week...
Mar 11, 2020
Anthony & Doc take a deep dive into the BPRD's resident fish-man, ABE SAPIEN! What is he? Why does he compare himself to Hellboy? And how many fish puns can Doc make this week? Listen now!
2nd Anniversary of our show – thank you’s
New patron Frank
TeePublic sale – March 18th-22nd
Mar 4, 2020
After last week's heavy episode, it's time for some fun. So Anthony & Doc travel to The City to talk about THE TICK! What makes this amnesiac superhero such an endearing character? And what TV theme do our intrepid hosts sing this week? Grab a SPOON! and listen now!
Plug for Perfect Package Podcast – Chad &...