Oct 23, 2019
Part 2 of our New York Comic Con interviews! Anthony speaks with Al Ewing, Saladin Ahmed, Erica Schultz, Robbie Thompson, and the legendary CHRIS CLAREMONT! You won't want to miss this one!
Al Ewing (1:02)
What he’s worked on in the past
Did he pitch the Immortal Hulk to Marvel or did they come to him?
How much research does he do to come up with the opening quote?
Why did he allow the Hulk to retain eloquence when he speaks?
Will he write Guardians and Hulk simultaneously?
Saladin Ahmed (11:29)
What he’s currently working on
Quicksilver – what is his favorite aspect of his personality?
How can Pietro alleviate anxiety and stress?
Black Bolt – what did he accentuate in his run on the character?
What other issues did he want to discuss with Black Bolt?
Miles Morales – what does he want to say through Miles?
How does he write Miles’ positivity to differentiate him from Peter?
What cultural issues does he want to tackle next through comics?
Erica Schultz (20:13)
What is Forgotten Home about?
What was the genesis for this story?
Is this an ongoing or limited series?
What is the backstory of the main character?
How much backstory has been written on these characters?
How much Erica Schultz is in the main character?
Has she finished writing the story?
What is she teaching at the Kubert School?
How did she start that job?
What’s the next project?
Robbie Thompson (30:41)
What has he worked on and working on now
His favorite aspects of Silk
What ideas did he have to show how Cindy had been isolated for so long
How much Robbie Thompson is in Cindy Moon
What stories would he tell with Cindy again?
Which character would he love to write that he hasn’t yet?
What stories would he tell with them?
Chris Claremont (42:27)
Scott Summers – “born to lead” leads to paralysis by analysis
Wolverine & Kitty – why does Logan mentor her, and later Jubilee?
Next episode – Roy Harper
Mega-crossover event with Popcorn Psychology, Freudian Sips, Pop Psych 101, and GuardiansMH
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