Anthony goes totally fanboy over his favorite character, while
Dr. Issues tries to keep things on track. It's a miracle this
episode was only an hour...
Background on Moon Knight
Marc Spector - Boxer, then Marine, then mercenary
Left to die in desert by Bushman, resurrected by Khonshu
Creates multiple identities - Steven Grant (millionaire) and
Jake Lockley (cab driver)
Loses moon-based powers, joins West Coast Avengers
Battles brother Randall aka Shadow Knight
Dies after building explodes because of computerized Zero Hour
Resurrected by Khonshu yet again
"The Bottom" - return of Moon Knight
Doesn't take a side in Civil War, goes to Mexico, fights
Vengeance of Moon Knight - Return to NYC, no-kill
policy in effect
Bendis run - Personalities become Spider-Man, Wolverine,
Captain America
Ellis run - introduces suited Mr. Knight
Lemire run - reconciles issues with identities
Bemis run - introduces daughter
Primary issues
Dissociative identity disorder
Loss of powers
Religious reliance/Khonshu avatar appearance
On-again/off-again relationship with Marlene
Keeps allies at distance
In-universe - Exhaust personalities to break Marc down
Out of universe - Variety of treatment, medication
Saving the world doesn't necessarily mean you go home happy. How's the mental health of your favorite superhero? A comic aficionado and a board-certified psychiatrist look at the various neuroses of your favorite heroes and villains and provide options for treatment.