Dr. Issues learns we don't have the licensing budget for good
music, and Anthony discovers he's like Iron Man, but not in the
cool, mechanized suit-wearing kinda way.
Show notes:
Background on Tony Stark
Starts off as Howard Hughes analogue - pro-war
1969 - Artificial heart
Demon in a Bottle - Grapples with alcoholism
Loses company, becomes homeless - Rhodey takes over suit
Armor Wars - Takes out armored heroes/villains, battles Edwin
Creates War Machine armor, but becomes paralyzed and loses
The Crossing - kills several people (later retconned)
Heroes Reborn - comes back healthy and with new look
Secretary of Defense - leads to Avengers Disassembled
First time Stark Tower used as Avengers base
Civil War - Superhuman Registration Act
Dark Reign - Brain "rebooted"
Heroic Age - Bleeding Edge armor/Stark Resilient
Comics Tony turns into a clone of RDJ
Secret Wars II - Incursions, end of Ultimate Universe
Civil War II - Tony vs. Carol
Marvel NOW - Tony is in coma, brain is AI, Riri is
Saving the world doesn't necessarily mean you go home happy. How's the mental health of your favorite superhero? A comic aficionado and a board-certified psychiatrist look at the various neuroses of your favorite heroes and villains and provide options for treatment.