Introduction of Anthony & Doc - thanks everyone for coming
Who here has heard us before? Who here is very familiar with
Background (3 min)
Vash the Stampede created by Yasuhiro Nightow in
Trigun Chapter 1 - The 60 Billion Double Dollar Man (May
For purposes of this panel, we’ll be focusing on the anime
version, not the manga, since the story is much more streamlined in
the anime
Vash is an alien with decelerated aging, who is raised by Rem
alongside his twin brother Knives
Knives grows to hate humanity and attempts to crash their
spaceship into a planet - Rem puts the boys in an escape pod to
protect them
Knives and Vash battle, and Knives cuts off Vash’s arm - this
triggers a latent power inside Vash, and the explosion destroys the
town of July (although all the people within were spared) - this
incident is what triggers a $$60 billion bounty
Vash becomes a drifter, being followed by Meryl & Milly,
insurance agents who document the destruction left in his wake (or
more accurately the wake of those trying to kill/capture him)
Despite being incredibly proficient in weapons, Vash is a
pacifist who refuses to kill anyone, even those trying to kill
Knives hires a gang of assassins (the Gung-Ho Guns) to hunt his
brother down and cause him pain & suffering
After several run-ins with the Gung-Ho Guns (including being
forced to kill the leader, Legato), he and Knives have a climactic
battle, resulting in Vash wounding Knives but refusing to kill him,
honoring Rem’s last request: “Take care of Knives”
Issues (15 min)
Direct traumatic relationship with Knives
Idealism to the extreme
Humor as an immature defense mechanism
Treatment (10 min)
In-universe - “the ultimate NPC escort mission”
Out of universe - Significant childhood trauma, a complicated
ongoing relationship with family, perfectionistic self-drive that
is also self-sabotaging
Skit (10 min)
Hello Vash, I’m Dr. Issues. - Well hello there. How are
I’m doing well, thank you for asking. -So, I notice there’s a
plate of donuts out there, are those for someone specific? Or…
Those are for anyone in the waiting room. -Aww…but I’m in your
office now…can I have one anyway?
Sure, but -*rushes out, comes back* Oh man, I love the apple
cider ones the most.
I’m glad you like them, now what can I do for you? -Huh? Oh,
I’m good with the donuts.
No, I mean what do you want to talk about. -Um, I think you
could use a bit more variety, although I did see some with
sprinkles. Then again, those are a bit too artificial for my taste.
*chomping* nature knows how to provide the best flavors, ya
I appreciate your interest in natural health. But I must admit,
your reputation precedes you. -Gosh, I’m just some wanderer,
*emo-style* searching for the elusive mayfly of love
Not all who wander are lost -I’ll bet! You meet the most
interesting people along the way. Insurance agents, outlaws,
homesteaders, outlaws, beautiful women, outlaws…I said outlaws,
I got the hint. Sounds dangerous. -Sure, if you’re not as
careful as I am.
Careful? From the triage report you sound fairly reckless.
-Yeah, I should pay more attention to the beauties…am I right, or
am I RIGHT? *awkward laugh* you’re not laughing.
Not a fan of sexism. -I didn’t mean to offend you. Sometimes I
get a one track mind. I should examine what’s really
important…THESE DONUTS! *truly maniacal laugh* You’re still not
*holds bridge of nose* Vash…Vash…Vash. I’m going to try and
keep some level of decorum as I say this. Please…I’m begging
you…just take my questions as seriously as you take your appetite,
alright? -*dramatic* Sir yes sir! You don’t have to get so
Why are you deflecting before we even get to any topics? What’s
so bad that you won’t do the most basic of introductions?
-*sarcastic* I saaaaaid hello.
If you keep this up, I’m willing to say goodbye. Trust
me, the bill that you’ll be footing based on reported damages in
the first place won’t be wiped out unless you have a complete
psychiatric evaluation.-*sigh* If you say so.
Thank you. Now, since we’re short on time, tell me the biggest
concern you have in life. -Oh wow, that’s heavy…um, life I
Your biggest worry is life itself? -I want everything to live.
Is that so wrong?
That’s…unique. Can you narrow it down? -Nope.
Ooooooookay…hoo boy. And…what do you do about life as a whole?
-Save it. Cherish it. No matter what. That’s what…she would have
She who? -Rem. She was…she taught me everything I needed to
She definitely sounds special. Based on the tense, I’m guessing
something happened. -*nervous laugh, rambling style* Well sometimes
bad things happen you know so I just keep going on but as long as I
don’t think about it too much and how nice she was and everyone
deserves to live because she said so and I don’t want to let her
down but I don’t know why everyone hates me sometimes but I still
love them and it…it…*exaggerated crying* IT ALWAYS HAPPENS TO
*pause* Hmmmmm…didn’t quite expect that. In my line of work,
we’d call your emotions labile. You’re on a rollercoaster here!
-I’ll try to keep calm. I’m not so bad once you get to know
It took us this long for you to stop deflecting, and then the
real emotions came out like a firehose. That’s not the best way to
handle things. Plus, the only time I got the sense you were
actually serious was when you mentioned the sanctity of life. Maybe
such a heady philosophy is cracking you. -No way. It grounds me.
It’s my core. You probably understand me more than you think. Don’t
you fight against suicide?
Absolutely! -But why?
*pause* Well, there’s a myth out there that taking your own
life is a way to eliminate pain. But from what I’ve seen, it’s the
opposite. The person becomes a pain bomb that spreads that sorrow
to every person that ever had a positive thought about the one who
is now gone. I’m willing to see through that lie. -And what if it
wasn’t a metaphor for emotion. What if there were real bombs
involved, and bullets, and weapons you couldn’t even dream of. What
then? What if someone is so bent on hurting others that the only
thing you can do is stop it…but that person has a value too, don’t
Yes. -So where am I wrong? Why do so many people fight me when
I don’t want to fight them?
Sometimes I chant a mantra to myself: “Magnets draw metal
because they are strong.” You’re a target, for sure. But not many
of those who are as pacifist as you are willing to fight in
the…unique way that you do. You’re begging to become a martyr.
-Don’t say that…*yelling* DON’T SAY THAT. I want a fun life. A
simple life. But I won’t run from anyone who needs saving. Trouble
finds me. I’ve had to deal with Knives.
***misunderstanding, WAY too flippant***...and swords, and
bullets, and lasers, and rockets blah blah blah -You fool! I mean
my brother. *sighs* You know, it’s really hard to love someone when
they want you to be someone you’re not.
*pause* Can you deal with the imperfect? -What’s that
You, your brother, Rem, whoever that is…the people you save,
the people trying to kill you…it’s all one giant imperfect mess.
And yet, I get the sense that you will never be satisfied. Don’t
let perfect be the enemy of good. You have passion; I can see that.
No one can promise you peace. But what I can do is help you mold
your purpose. Life itself may be zero-sum if you look at the end,
but the value is infinite if you find a way to enjoy the things in
between. -*pause* Wow. That’s really sweet…
*whining* Ohhhh man…I thought I was getting through to you.
-***munching again*** Well, you know what they say…the way to a
man’s heart is through his stomach.
new technique. Gotta go, Doc! Thanks for the comfort food!
Ending (5 min)
Thanks everyone for coming!
Next episodes: Mister Sinister, Ventriloquist, Bigby Wolf
Saving the world doesn't necessarily mean you go home happy. How's the mental health of your favorite superhero? A comic aficionado and a board-certified psychiatrist look at the various neuroses of your favorite heroes and villains and provide options for treatment.